We Believe

 We affirm the Nicene Creed and uphold the following doctrinal statement as basic and essential orthodox belief for our Christian women’s ministry:

  • God the Father

    We believe in one God who eternally exists in 3 persons: Father, Jesus Christ the Son, and Holy Spirit. Each Person is entirely and equally God. The three persons differ in roles relating to mankind and each other but do not differ in value, attributes, essence, or equality. There are both communicable and incommunicable attributes that each Person of the Godhead shares entirely and equally.

    Deuteronomy 6:4; Romans 3:30; James 2:19; Genesis 1:26-27; Matthew 3:16-17, Matthew 28:19; John 10:29-32; Romans 9:5; Acts 5:3-4

  • Jesus Christ & the Holy Spirit

    We believe that the eternal Son, the Second Person of the Godhead, was sent by God the Father to image forth all of the Godhead's divine attributes to the world and to be made in the image of man, as the Christ, to satisfy God's wrath because of humanity's rebellion or sin. When the Son broke into human history and entered into the world through the virgin Mary's birth, he became perfectly human while completely maintaining His divine nature. Jesus was born a human, and as a human, Jesus the Christ lived a morally perfect life by following and fulfilling all the Mosaic Law requirements. Therefore, the Son is both perfectly human and completely God. Both natures are joined together as one Person. As a perfect being, he could become the perfect sacrifice to pay the penalty for humanity's sin. He voluntarily suffered and died under the hands of sinful man. On the third day, Jesus was raised from the grave by the Holy Spirit's power. After appearing and teaching His followers for forty days, the resurrected Jesus ascended into heaven, where He rules and sits at the right hand of God the Father, until the time for His second bodily return to earth. We affirm the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ!

    Ephesians 1:4-14, John 5:19-23, John 8:54-58; Colossians 1:15-20; Luke 1:34-37; Hebrews 1:3, Hebrews 4:14-16, Hebrews 9:11-15; Acts1:7-11 Acts 5:3-4

  • Mankind

    We believe that all of mankind originally came from a man named Adam and a woman named Eve. They were created in a state of untested moral innocence and with a nature free from imperfection. God had given them rule over all created things and commanded them not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Sometime after creation, Eve was deceived by Satan to disobey God and eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. On the other hand, Adam willfully rebelled against God's command. Humanity's fall resulted in the complete moral, physical, and spiritual guilt and corruption of all mankind; thereby, this rebellion brought God's wrath and judgment over all creation. If mankind were left without redemption, they would eventually face eternal conscious torment in a place called hell. Their guilt, sin, and rebellion against God are so great that no one act, thought, word, or deed performed by man can earn their salvation. Therefore, God alone would provide the means of first the forbearance and eventually the substitutionary atonement for the penalty of their sin.

    Romans 1:18-32, Romans 5:12-14; Hebrews 9:27; 1 Timothy 2:13; Revelation 20:10-15

  • Salvation

    We believe that salvation can only be found in the Person of Jesus Christ and His atoning work. Jesus was without a sinful human nature and lived a perfectly moral and obedient life. Through Jesus’ life, he fulfilled the Mosaic law. Without a sinful nature and without committing a sinful act, Jesus Christ was more than a suitable offering to satisfy God's wrath against our sin. Although the salvation of Jesus has infinite worth for the redemption of all mankind, only those who have been regenerated by the Holy Spirit by God's grace alone through faith alone in Jesus Christ alone will be saved. Men and women left to themselves would be depraved without any ability or possibility of redemption. However, because of God's great love, the death of Jesus fulfilled the wrath of God. God was not constrained or obligated to save humankind because of Adam's sin and our idolatry. Therefore, God's salvation is an undeserved and merciful work on God's part. In history past, Jesus, the Son of God, having come in the flesh, freely offered Himself in life and death as the substitutionary atonement. After the bodily resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit applies the redemption of Christ to those who believe the Gospel by repenting of their sin and putting their trust in Jesus for salvation. The Holy Spirit regenerates spiritually dead people to make us spiritually alive in faith through the truth of the Gospel. We are simultaneously justified, adopted into God’s family, and grafted into Israel.

    John 14:5; Matthew 5:17; Galatians 2:16, 21; Hebrews 4:14-5:10, 7:20-28; Ephesians 1:3-14, 2:8-9; Titus 3:5-7; 1 John 2:2; Acts 5:3-4

  • The Church

    We believe the Christian church does not consist of spatial dimensions or a building made by human hands. The church is any person who has become a born again believer in Jesus Christ. Within local geographic churches, there exists both believers and unbelievers. However, only believers are the true church. The church functions as a community, which God uses to proclaim the Gospel to unbelievers, help believers grow and observe biblical truths, provide communal and liturgical worship, provide for believers' needs, provide communal prayer, understand the teachings of Jesus, and become further equipped for Christian ministry. The church is to make disciples- those who have been saved by God to grow in biblical truth and personal holiness. However, it is God's grace through the Holy Spirit who grants all growth. Other church functions are to observe the sacraments of the Lord's supper and water baptism. Finally, through prayer and accountability, believers can share their struggles and needs in the hope of persevering in love and good deeds until either death or the second coming of Jesus' bodily return to earth.

    Hebrews 10:24-25; Matthew 13:24-30; Romans 1:11; 1 Corinthians 12-14; Ephesians 3:16-19, 4:7, Hebrews 2:4; 1 Corinthians 11:23-29; Matthew 28:18-20

  • Eternity

    We believe that in the future, Jesus Christ will return in bodily form in the same way He ascended almost 2,000 years ago. We believe that there will be time on earth of intense suffering and turmoil, which will prepare for the second coming of Jesus Christ. We believe Jesus Christ will rapture those who have been chosen by God and regenerated by the Holy Spirit to meet Him in the air. We also believe God will return to the nation of Israel and regenerate them as a nation who will accept and submit to the Messiahship of Jesus Christ after the number of gentiles is complete. We believe that after the literal return of Jesus Christ, He will send Satan, fallen angels, and unbelievers to hell where they will experience conscience eternal torment. Then the new heaven and new earth will be revealed, and all those who have put their trust in Jesus for salvation will experience perfect life forever and enjoy an eternal new relationship with God!

    Acts 1:7-11; Revelation 7:15; Romans 11:25-28; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-5:1-10; Revelation 20-21

  • The Bible

    We believe that all 66 books of the Bible are God's actual and literal words, thereby without error in the original writings. We believe all of the authors wrote by the inspiration and authority of the Holy Spirit while utilizing the author's literary writing styles, familial, educational, economic, and ethnic background, understanding of human history, and personality. We believe the Word of God is completely sufficient for every good work and is a sufficient law, rule, and guide for how a person should learn about God, intimately and personally meet with God, and live a life of personal holiness. We believe that all truth is God's truth, but the knowledge that contradicts biblical truth is false.

    2 Timothy 3:16-17; 2 Peter 1:20-21, 3:15-16; Luke 24:27-32